YY/T 0590.3-2011/IEC 62220-1-3 :2008.Medical electrical equipment- Characteristics of digital X-ray imaging devices-Part 1-3 : Determination of the detective quantum efficiencey-Det...
YY/T 0590.2-2010/IEC 62220-1-2 :2007.Medical eetrical equipment- Characteristics of digital X-ray imaging devices- Part 1-2:Determination of the detective quantum eficdency-Detector...
YY/T 0528-2009.Dental metallic materials Corrosion test methods.1范围YY/T 0528提供了检测所有用于牙体修复.牙列修复和正畸治疗的全属材料(包括铸造.机加工...
YY/T 0527-2009/IS0143561 2003.Dentistry Duplicating materlal.1范围YY/T 0527规定了牙科复制材料的要求和试验方法。该复制材料主要用于制作从适当倒图封闭...
YY/T 0526-2009/IS0 22803: 2004.Dentistry Membrane materials for guided tsse regeneration in oral and maillofacial surgery Contents of a technical file.1范围YY/T 0526给出了评价可...
YY/T 0525-2009/IS0 22794: 2007.Dentistry Implantable materials for bone flling and augmentation in oral and mallofacal surgery Contents of a technical file.1范围YY/T 0525适用于...
YY/T 0524-2009/ISO 10451 : 2002.Dentistry Dental implant systems - Contents of technical file.1范園YY/T 0524规定了牙科种植体及其预制件的技术文件内容的要求,以...
YY/T 0523-2009/ISO/TR 1175: 1993.Dentistry Guidelines for developing dental implants.1范围YY/T 0523为生产始定类型的牙种植体产品提供了通用性指南。原则和概念...
YY/T 0522-2009/ISO/TS 22911: 2005.Dentistry Preclinical evaluation of dental implant systems Animal test methods.1范围YY/T 0522规定了应用宏观和微观参数在功能状志下...
YY/T 0518-2009.Dental polymer based adhesives for restoratives.1范围YY/T 0518规定了具有流动性(星液状)的牙科修复体用聚合物基帖接剂的分类、要求及检测...