YY 0302.2-2016.Dentistry- Rotary bur instruments- Part 2 : Finishing burs.5.5.1清洗和消毒制造商应提供清洗和消毒的说明.当按照这些说明进行清洗和消毒处理...
YY/T 1434-2016.Medical devices for human in vitro assisted reproductive technology-In vitro mouse embryo assay.对照组准备a)阳性对 照组所使用的阳性对照品应经...
YY/T 1430-2016.Standard test method for small punch testing of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene used in surgical implants.YY/T 1430通过对小型盘状试样(厚度0.5 mm.直...
YY/T 1432-2016.Test method for determination of heatsealability of flexible webs of medical devices as measured by seal strength.YY/T 1432包含实验室内对软性屏障材料进行...
YY/T 1427-2016/ISO 16428 :2005.Implants for surgery- -Test solutions and environmental condition for static and dynamic corrosion tests on implantable materials and medical devices....
YY/T 1433-2016.Test method of hot seal strength(hot tack) of flexible webs of medical devices.YY/T 1433包含实验室测量软性材料热塑面之间密封形成后在冷却到环境...
YY/T 1436-2016.Aids for ostomy and incontinence- Irrigation sets-Requirements and test methods.6.2.3试验报告试验报告应包含第7章规定的一般信息,以及观察到的泄...
YY/T 1429-2016/ISO 16402 :2008.Implants for surgery- -Acrylic resin cement- Flexural fatigue testing of acrylic resin cements used in orthopaedics.YY/T 1429适用于以聚甲基丙烯...
YY/T 1425-2016.Test method for protective clothing material resistance to hypodermic needle puncture.6试验程序6.1 将正方形试样放置在两个支撑板中间固定,形成试样...
YY/T 1424-2016.Chlamydia trachomatis DNA detection kit ( fluorescent PCR).YY/T 1424规定了沙眼衣原体DNA检测试剂盒(荧光PCR法)的要求.试验方法.标识、标签.使用...