YD 5072-1998.Provisional supervision Specification for Telecommunications Conduit Cable Channel Engineering.1总则1.0.1为规范通信管道和电缆通道工程建设施工监理工...
YD 5073-1998.Provisional Specifications for construction Supervision of Telecommunications Buildings.1总则1.0.1为 加强电信楼建筑安装工程质量管理,控制工期和工...
YD/T 1812.2-2009.Technical Specifications and Test Method of 1 0Gbit/s TOSA and ROSA Part 2: 10Gbit/s Cooled TOSA.1范围YD/T 1812.2规定了10Gbit/s 有制冷TOSA的技术要求、测...
YD/T 1841.1-2009.Test Method for User Equipment(HSUPA) of 2GHz TD-SCDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Communication Network Part 1:Basic Operation, Services and Performance.1范围YD/T 18...
YD/T 1767.5-2009.Technical requirements for automatically switched optical network(ASON) management Part 5: EMS-NMS interface information model based on IDL/IIOP.1范围YD/T 1767.5规...
YD/T 1767.4-2009.Technical Requirements for Automatically Switched Optical Network(ASON) Management Part 4: EMS-NMS Interface Common Information Model.1范围YD/T 1767.4规定了ASO...
YD/T 1767.3-2009.Technical Requirements for Automatically Switched Optical Network(ASON) Management Part 3: EMS-NMS Interface Function.1范围YD/T 1767.3规定了EMS-NMS接口功能中...
YD/T 1847.1-2009.Technical Requirement for lub interface of 2GHz TD-SCDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Communication network HSUPA Part 1: General aspects.1范围YD/T 1847.1规定了2GHz...
YD/T 1846.2-2009.Technical Requirement for HSUPA Uu Interface Layer 2 in 2GHz TD-SCDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Network Part 2: RLC Protocol.1范围YD/T 1846.2规定了...
YD/T 1846.1-2009.Technical Requirement for HSUPA Uu Interface Layer 2 in 2GHz TD-SCDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Network Part 1: MAC Protocol.1范围YD/T 1846.1规定了...