TB/T 3215-2009.Auxiliary converter for electric locomotive.1范围TB/T 3215规定了交一直传动电力机车辅助变流器的使用条件、特性、技术要求、试验项目、...
TB/T 3214-2009.Test device for control power supply of electric locomotive.1范围TB/T 3214规定了电力机车控制电源柜试验台的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则及...
TB/T 3212.3-2009.Metallographic atlas for metallographic microstructure examination of low alloy cast steel for rolling stock Part 3 : Grades E cast steel.1范围TB/T 3212.3规定了...
TB/T 3212.2-2009.Metallographic atlas for metallographic microstructure examination of low alloy cast steel for rolling stock Part 2: Grades C cast steel.1范围TB/T 3212.2规定了...
TB/T 3210.2-2009.Railway transport of coal dust suppression technical conditions-Part 2 :Spray device and method.1范围TB/T 3210.2规定了铁路煤炭运输抑尘喷洒装置的型式...
TB/T 3208-2008.Specification of Antifreeze Liquids for the Loose Granular Goods Transportation.1范围TB/T 3208规定了散装颗粒货物运输用防冻液的产品性能要求.试验...
TB/T 3207-2008.Rules for Inspection of General Container of Station in Railway.1范围TB/T 3207规定了通用集装箱在铁路车站的技术检查内容、容许损伤、非容许损...
TB/T 3201-2015.Leaky coaxial cables for railway communication.1范围TB/T 3201规定了铁路通信漏泄同轴电缆(以下简称“电缆”)的产品分类.技术要求、检验方...
TB/T 3200-2015.Railway point detector.1范围TB/T 3200规定了铁路道岔密贴检查器(以下简称密贴检查器)的产品型号及规格、技术要求、检验方法检验规则...
TB/T 3182-2007.Wheel Dynamic Inspecting System for Rolling Stock.1范围TB/T 3182规定了机车车辆车轮动态检测系统(以下简称系统)的环境及使用条件、技术要求...