TB/T 3252-2010.Overhead conductor rail for overhead contact system in electrification railway.1范围TB/T 3252规定了电气化铁路和城市轨道接触网用汇流排、汇流排终...
TB/T 3251.2-2010.Railway applications-Insulation coordination-Part 2 : Overvoltages and related protection.1范围TB/T 3251.2规定供电相关设备的瞬时过电压防护的仿真和...
TB/T 3251.1-2010.Railway applications-Insulation coordination-Part 1 : Basic requirements-Clearances and creepage distances for all electrical and electronic equipment.1范围TB/T 3...
TB/T 3236.2-2010.Land for railway-Part 2 :Graphics mode.1范围TB/T 3236.2规定了铁路用地图要素符号和注记以及使用要求和基本方法。TB/T 3236.2适用于1:500、...
TB/T 3236.1-2010.Land for railway-Part 1 : Classification.1范围TB/T 3236.1规定了铁路用地类型、含义及分类编码。TB/T 3236.1适用于铁路用地的管理,包括利用...
TB/T 3212.1-2009.Metallographic atlas for metallographic microstructure examination of low alloy cast steel for rolling stock Part 1: Grades B and B + cast steel.1范围TB/T 3212.1规...
TB/T 3203-2008.WAN technology specification of train operation dispatching command system and centralized traffic control system.1范围TB/T 3203规定了列车调度指挥系统(TD...
TB/T 3200-2008.Railway point detector.1范围TB/T 3200规定了铁路道岔密贴检查器(以下简称密贴检查器)的产品分类、规格及参数.技术要求、试验方法、...
TB/T 3198.2-2008.Dedicated measuring tools for the center plate and wear plate on freight car Part 2 :Measuring tools for the overhaul of center plate and wear plate.1范围TB/T 319...
TB/T 3198.1-2008.Dedicated measuring tools for the center plate and wear plate on freight car Part 1: Measuring tools for the manufacture of center plate and wear plate.1范围TB/T ...