TB 1701-85.1适用范围TB 1701适用于新造及检修的铁路货车97720、197720、 97726、 197726、 97730、 197730型无轴箱滚动轴承。2组装工作条件2.1轴承的拆...
TB/T 1558.4-2010.Non-destructive testing of welding for rlling stock Part 4:Magnetic particle testing.1 范围TB/T 1558.4规定了机车车辆焊缝磁粉检测的一般要求、检测...
TB/T 1558.3-2010.Non-destructive testing of welding for rolling stock Part 3:Radiographic testing.1范围TB/T 1558.3规定了机车车辆焊缝的射线照相检测的--般要求、射...
TB/T 1558.2-2010.Non-destructive testing of welding for rolling stock Part 2:Utrasonic testing.1范围TB/T 1558.2对超声波衰减(尤其是散射衰减)较低的、母材厚度为...
TB/T 1558.1-2010.Non-destructive testing of welding for rolling stock Part 1 :General principles.1范围TB/T 1558.1规定了超声检测、射线照相检测、渗透检测和磁粉检...
TB/T 1527-2011.The protection coating anti-corrosion and specification for the supply of paints for railway steel bridge.1范围TB/T 1527规定了铁路钢桥保护涂装技术要求试...
TBT 1500.3-2009.Operation ofreceiring and departing trnins Part3: On single and double lines with semi-atoblocking and centralized interlocking (mith signalman).1范围1 TB/T 1500.3规...
TB/T 1484.4-2010.Specification for cables on board rolling stock-Part 4: Zero halogen low smoke and flame retardant cables for communication networks.1范围TB/T 1484.4规定了机车...
TB/T 1466-91.1主题内容与适用范围TB/T 1466规定了灰铸铁件(以下简称铸件)的技术婴求、试验方法、检验规则和标志等TB/T 1466适用于铁逍机车车辆...
TB/T 1433-1999.1范围TB/T 1433规定了我国铁路信号产品在正常使用中遇到的环境参数及其严酷等级。本标准未规定的环境参数和有特殊要求的产品...