NB/T 42129-2017.Basic specification of automatic control components (devices) and their related system for small hydropower unit.1范围NB/T 42129规定了小水电机组及其进水阀...
NB/T 42128-2017.Fundamental technical requirements for inlet valve control system of small hydraulic turbine.1范围NB/T 42128规定了小型水轮机进水阀门控制系统(以下简...
NB/T 42108-2017.Connection devices for household and similar use for low-voltage circuit busbar.1范围NB/T 42108规定了家用和类似用途低压电器用汇流排的术语和定义...
NB/T 42104.4-2016.Terrestrial erystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) modules performance requirements in multiple climates Part 4: Plateau climate condition.1范围NB/T 42104.4规定了...
NB/T 34072-2018.Durability speification for absorber of flat plate solar collctor.1范围NB/T 34072规定了平板型太阳能集热器吸热体耐候性的术语和定义、技术要...
NB/T 34069-2018.Impressed current cathodic protection device for enamel interior surface of water storage tank.1范围NB/T 34069规定了搪瓷水箱内表面强制电流阴极保护装...
NB/T 34054-2017.Technical specification of non-food energy crops marginal land survey and evaluation.1范围NB/T 34054规定了非粮能源作物边际土地调查与评价的内容、...
NB/T 34052-2017.Standard for the division of non-food land for energy production in the reclamation area of industrial and mining lands.1范围NB/T 34052规定了工矿用地复垦区...
NB/T 32034-2016.On-site testing procedure for PV module of PV power station.1范围NB/T 32034规定了光伏发电站现场已安装并具备发电能力的光伏组件检测的一般...
NB/T 32033-2016.Technical code for inverter electromagnetic compatibilit testing of photovoltaic power station.1范围NB/T 32033适用于接入380V及以上电压等级的并网型光...