NB/T 32043-2018.Specification for Preparation of Feasibility Study Report for Photovoltaic Power Projects.1总则1.0.1为规范光伏发电工程可行性研究报告编制的原则、...
NB/T 32004-2018.Technical specification of PV grid-connected inverter.1范围NB/T 32004规定了光伏(PV)发电系统所使用光伏并网逆变器的产品类型、技术要求及试...
NB/T 31147-2018.Technical Code for Wind Energy Resource Measurement and Assessment of Wind Power Projects.1总则1.0.1为规范和指导风电场工程风能资源的测量与评估,...
NB/T 31129-2018.Guide for evaluation of vibration condition for wind turbines.1范围NB/T 31129规定了风力发电机组振动状态评价的数据采集、数据处理和评价方法...
NB/T 31127-2017.Specification for Design of Net Floor Area of Wind Power Projects.1总则1.0.1为规范风电场工程建筑使用面积设计,制定本规程。1.0.2 NB/T 31127适用...
NB/T 25073-2017.Guide for the acceptance of explosion proof safety for generator hydrogen gas supply system.1范围NB/T 25073规定了核电厂氢冷发电机供氢系统安装竣工时...
NB/T 20449-2017RK.Design criteria for fuel oil system of the emergency diesel generator ofnuclear power plant.1范围NB/T 20449规定了压水堆核电厂应急柴油发电机组燃油...
NB/T 20448-2017.Verification and validation for system and software in nuclear power plants.1范围NB/T 20448规定了应用于系统、软件和硬件的整个生命周期(包括获取...
NB/T 20298-2014.Nuclear power plants-instrumentation and control important to safety-Hardware design requirements for digital systems.1范围NB/T 20298规定了核电厂1级和2级(见...
NB/T 20182-2012.Techincal specification of radiation environmental impact assessment for gaseous releases of nuclear power plant on accident conditions.1范围NB/T 20182规定了核电...