NB/T 10777-2021 商用或工业用及类似用途低环境温度空气源热泵热水机。英文标题:Low ambient temperature air-source heat pump water heater for commercial or...
NB/T 10778-2021 商用或工业用及类似用途空气源二氧化碳热泵热水机。英文标题:Air-source carbon dioxide heat pump water heater for commercial or industrial ...
NB/T 10779-2021 空气源热泵集中供暖工程设计规范。英文标题:Design code for central heating system of air-source heat pump。本文件NB/T 10779-2021给出了空气...
NB/T 10780-2021 空气源热泵烘干中药材技术通则。英文标题:General rules for drying traditional Chinese medicinal materials by air-source heat pump。1范围本文件...
NB/T 10781-2021 空气源热泵污泥干化机。英文标题: Air-source heat pump sludge dryer。本文件NB/T 10781-2021规定了空气源热泵污泥干化机(以下称污泥干...
NB/T 10782-2021 太阳能热利用系统节能量和减排量标识规则。英文标题:Rules for energy saving and emission reduction label of solar thermal system。1范围本文...
NB/T 10783-2021 家用太阳能热利用系统节能量和减排量计算方法。英文标题是: Method for calculating energy saving and emission reduction from domestic solar ...
NB/T 10784-2021 太阳能干燥系统节能量和减排量计算方法。英文标题:Method for calculating energy saving and emission reduction from solar drying system。1范围本...
NB/T 10785-2021 室内太阳模拟环境下家用太阳能热水系统性能测试方法。英文标题: Performance test method for domestic solar water heating system by indoor ...
NB/T 10786-2021 全流道平板型太阳能集热器技术规范。英文标题是:Technical specification for full-channel flat plate solar collector。本文件NB/T 10786-2021规定...