JT/T 265-2004 Quota for marine machinery tools for lnland waterways.1范围JT/T 265规定内河船舶轮机工属具的配备定额。JT/T 265适用于主机和辅机以柴油机作为...
JT/T 258-2004 Criteria of manoeuvrability for Changjiang transport ships.1范围JT/T 258规定了在长江干线航行的运输船舶的操纵性衡准的指标形式和数值衡准值...
JT/T 251-2004 Upper rudder-bearer for inland waterway vessels.1范围JT/T 251规定了内河船舶上舵承的结构型式基本尺寸、技术要求、检验和标志。JT/T 251适用...
JT/T 249-2004 Flate-type weather-tight hatch covers for inland- waterway vessels.1范围JT/T 249规定了内河船用平式风雨密舱口盖的类型、结构形式、基本尺寸和...
JT/T 236-1995 Specification of single-rope timber grab.1范围JT/T 236规定了翻板式及戟叉式单索木材抓斗(以下简称单索木材抓斗)的型式、技术要求、试验...
JT/T 233-95 Specification for using flat woven webbing slings made of synthetic fibre for handling in port.1主题内容与适用范圈JT/T 233规定了由聚酰胺(锦纶)、聚酯...
JT/T 229-95 Hand-hydraulic steering gear.1主题内容 与适用范围JT/T 229规定了内河沿海船舶手动液压舵机的设计、结构、性能、安全和验收试验要求。...
JT/T 228-95 Technical requirments of grounding and lightning protection for medium and small special base radio station of traffic.1主题内容与适用范围JT/T 228规定了交通专...
JT/T 227-1996 The Technical Regulation on Weighing Deadweight by means of Drat for Barge.1范围JT/T 227规定了驳船载货重量的测量及计算方法,适用于内河驳船承运...
JT/T 226-1996 Testing specification for automobile brake fluid.1范围JT/T 226对汽车制动液检测的一般要求、抽样、仪器设备、检测程序及检测报告作了规定...