JT/T 32.14-93 Technical grade standards for workers in the communications industry-Aids to navigation and hydrographic survey-Depth sounder repairmen.1主题内客与适 用范围JT...
JT/T 32.13-93 Techalcal grade standards for workers in the communications industry-Alds to narigation and hydrographic survey-Hydrometric workers.1主题内容 与适用范围JT/T 3...
JT/T 32.12-93 Technical grade staodards for workers in the communications industry-Aids to navigation and hydrographic survey-Channtl Cartographers.1主题内容与适用范围JT/T ...
JT/T 32.11-93 Technlcnl grade standards for workers in the communiceations industry-Aids to navigation and hydrograpbic survey-Channel surveyors.1主题内容与适用范围JT/T 32....
JT/T 32.10-93 Technicnl grnde standards for workers in the communications Industry-Aids to narigation and hydrographlc survey-Radio navigaton eetrle generater operators.1主题内客与...
JT/T 32.9-93 Technlcal grade standards for workers in the communications industry-Alds to navrgation and hydrographic survey-Radio beacon operators.1主题内容 与适用范圈JT/T...
JT/T 32.8-93 Technical grade standurds tor workers in the communications industry-Aids to navlgation and hydrographic survey-Radio navigation timer operators.1主题内容与适 用范...
JT/T 32.7-93 Technical grade standards for workerns in the communications industry-Alds to navigation and hydrographle survey Radio navigation transmitter operators.1主题内容与适...
JT/T 32.6-93 Technical grade standards for workers in the communications industry-Aids to navigaton and hydrographie survey- Marine lantern repairmen.1主题内容与适用范圈JT/...
JT/T 32.5-93 Technical grade standards for workers in the communications industry-Aids to narigntion and hydrographic survey Lights charge workers.1主题内容 与适用范围JT/T ...