JT/T 707-2008 Cohesion tester for asphalt emulsion slurry mixture.1范围JT/T 707规定了乳化沥青稀浆混合料黏聚力试验仪(以下简称黏聚力仪)的产品结构、技术...
JT/T 706-2007 Requirements for cargoes stacking in port.1范围JT/T 706规定了港口货物堆垛的安全距离要求,以及不同货物的堆垛形式及要求。JT/T 706适用于沿...
JT/T 704-2007 Vocabulary for maritime communication, navigation and information.1范围JT/T 704规定了水上通信、导航和信息的常用术语和定义。JT/T 704适用于水上...
JT/T 4543-93 The design Regulation (code)for noise Control in Ships.1主题内容 与适用范围JT/T 4543规定了船鮊嘆声控制设计的原则、 内容及方法。JT/T 4543适用...
JT/T 703-2007 Emergency telephone system for expressway.1范围JT/T 703规定了高速公路紧急电话系统(以下简称紧急电话)的分类、结构与标志、使用环境条件...
JT/T 699-2007 Auto-detect meter of back insert type for road deflection.1范围JT/T 699规定了后插式路面夺沉自动测试仪(以下简称弯沉自动测试仪)的工作原理与...
JT 2006-84.范围1为防止港口装卸作业煤粉尘污染环境、危害人身健康和能源浪费,特制订JT 2006指标。2本控制指标适用于沿海和内河各煤炭装卸...
JT/T 735.3-2009 Information resources requirements of transportation science and technology information resource sharing platform Part 3: Data element.1范围JT/T 735.3交通科技信...
JT/T 735.2-2009 Information resources requirements of transportation science and technology information resource sharing platform Part 2 :Data classifying and coding.1范围JT/T 735...
JT/T 735.1-2009 Information resources requirements of transportation science and technology information resource sharing platform Part 1 : Core metadata.1范围JT/T 735.1规定了描述...