HJ 1004-2018.Ambient air-Determination of organic acids (acetate, formate and oxalate) in precipitation-Ion chromatography.1适用范围HJ 1004规定了测定降水中有机酸(乙酸...
HJ 2305-2018.Guideline for available techniques of pollution prevention and control for glass manufacturing industry.1适用范围HJ 2305提出了平板玻璃和平板显示玻璃制造...
HJ 2306-2018.Guideline on available techniques of pollution prevention and control for coking chemical industry.1适用范围HJ 2306提出了炼焦化学工业企业废气、废水、...
HJ 1006-2018.Stationary source emission-Determination of volatile halogenated hydrocarbons- Bags sampling-gas chromatography.1适用范围HJ 1006规定了测定固定污染源废气中...
HJ 2303-2018.Guideline on available technologies of pollution prevention and control for sugar industry.1适用范围HJ 2303提出了制糖工业企业废气、废水、固体废物和...
HJ 1031-2019.Technical specification for application and issuance of pollutant permit-Electronics industry.1适用范围HJ 1031规定了电子工业排污单位排污许可证申请与...
HJ 1027-2019.Technical specification for application and issuance of pollutant permit-Furniture manufactur ing industry.1适用范围HJ 1027规定了家具制造排污单位排污许可...
HJ 1030.1-2019.Technical specification for application and issuance of pollutant permit Food manufacturing industry- Dairy product manufacturing industry.1适用范围HJ 1030.1规定了...
HJ 1030.2-2019.Technical specification for application and issuance of pollutant permit Food manufacturing industry- Condiment and fermented product manufacturing industry.1适用范围...
HJ 1028-2019.Technical specification for application and issuance of pollutant permit-Wine and beverage manufacturing industry.1适用范围HJ 1028规定了酒、饮料制造工业排...