GY/T 228-2007.Test materials to be used in subjective assessment for the standard definition television.1范围GY/T 228规定了标准清晰度数字电视主观评价用的测试图像...
GY/T 227-2007.The format of digital audio signal in 2048kbps line.GY/T 227规定了通过E1线路,以2048kbps速率 传输非压缩数字音频信号的数据格式。GY/T 227适用...
GY/T 226-2007.Technical requirements and measurement methods of the multiplexer for digital television.GY/T 226规定了数字电视复用器的主要技术要求和测量方法。对...
GY/T 225-2007.Technical specifications and methods of meansurement for MW and SW broadcasting transmitters.5.11.2 整机效率计算按5.6和5.11. 1的方法同时测量出发射机的...
GY/T 223-2007.The recording of program tape for standard definition digital television.1范围GY/T 223规定了标准清晰度数字电视节目录像磁带录制的基本要求。G...
GY/T 224-2007.Specifications and methods of measurement for digital video cable and digital audio cable.1范围GY/T 224规定了数字视频、数字音频电缆的技术要求和测量...
GY/T 222-2006.Specifications and methods of measurement on digital telev ision broadcasting van.GY/T 222规定了数字电视转播车的技术要求和测量方法。对于能够确保...
GY/T 221-2006.Specifications and methods of measurement of digital cable television system.1范围GY/T 221规定了有线数字电视系统的技术要求和相应的测量方法。对...
GY /T 219-2006.Encoded time signal in radio broadcasting.1范围GY /T 219规定了广播整点报时信号时间码。GY /T 219适用于广播电台报时系统。2规范性引用文件...
GY/T 218-2006.Specification of network management interface for SDH network-management information model for NMS-EMS Q3 interface.GY/T 218规定了广电SDH传输网中网络管理系...