GY/T 273-2013.Technical requirements and measurement methods of low power SW multifrequency broadcasting transmitters.GY/T 273规定了小功率短波多频发射机的技术要求和...
GB/T 36982-2018.Interface technical requirements and measurement methods of the digital optical line terminal used in program distribution network.GB/T 36982规定了用于节目分配...
GB/T 28438.2-2019.Objective assessment and measurement methods for coverage of digital terrestrial television broadcasting signals-Part 2 : Mobile reception.GB/T28438的本部分规定...
GY/T 277-2019.Technical specification of digital rights management for video audio content distribution.GY/T 277规定了视音频内容分发数字版权管理的逻辑架构、技术...
GB/T 37345-2019.Technical specification for network management of digital terrestrial television transmission equipment.GB/T 37345规定了地面数字电视发射设备(地面数字电...
GY/T 315-2018.Image parameter values for high dynamic range television for use in production and programme exchange.1范围GY/T 315规定了高动态范围电视节目制作和交换中...
GY/T 322. 2一2019. Audio applications of networks - open control architecture-Part 2: Class structure.1范围GY/T 322的本部分规定了网络音频应用的开放式控制架构的...
GY/T 322. 3-2019.Audio applications of networks - open control architecture-Part 3: Protocol for TCP/IP networks.GY/T 322的本部分规定了用于TCP/ IP网络的协议。GY/T 322...
GY/T 322. 1-2019.Audio applications of networks - open control architecture-Part 1: Framework1范围GY/T 322的本部分规定了网络音频应用的开放式控制架构的模型和...
GY/T 265-2012.NGB broadband access system-Technical specification of HINOC physical layer and media access control protocol.GY/T 265规定了在750MHz ~ 1006MHz的频率范围内,高...