GA 880-2010.Police vehicle for transport of trained dog.1范围GA 880规定了警用警犬输送车(以下简称警犬输送车)的术语和定义、分类和代号、技术要求、试...
GA 857-2009.General specification for cargo micro-dose X-ray security inspection system.1范围GA 857规定了货物运输微剂量X射线安全检查设备的技术要求、试验方...
GA 856.6-2009.Station uniform for contract firefighters-Part 6: Duty hat.1范围GA 856.6规定了合同制消防员制式服装执勤帽的款式规格、技术要求、试验方法、...
GA 774.4-2008.Fingerprint feature specification-Part 4: Way to mark a delta on a fingerprint.1范围GA 774.4规定了指纹三角点位置的标注方法。GA 774.4适用于指纹自动...
GA 774.3-2008.Fingerprint feature specification-Part 3: Way to mark a core on a fingerprint.1范围GA 774.3规定了指纹中心点位置和方向的标注方法。GA 774.3适用于指...
GA 733-2007.Material for police uniform-Cashmere overcoating.1范围GA 733规定了警服用羊绒大衣呢的分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装运输及贮...
GA 666-2018.Retro-reflective sheetings for license plates of motor vehicles.1范围GA 666规定了机动车号牌用反光膜的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则等GA 666适用...
GA 659.5-2006.The data exchange form for information security administration system of public service site for internet-Part 5 :Basic data interchange format of service status of pu...
GA 571-2010.Police shocs-Women's leather sandal.1范围GA 571规定了警用女皮凉鞋的要求、试验方法、检验规则及包装、运输和贮存。GA 571适用于瞥用女皮...
GA 524-2004.Specification of 2004 style police vehicle unified appearance coating.1范围GA 524规定了公安2004式警车汽车类外观制式的涂装式样、涂装要素、涂装...