GA/T 1313-2016.Code of practice for examination of normal handwriting in forensics.1范围GA/T 1313规定了法庭科学文件检验技术领域中正常笔迹检验的步骤和要求...
GA/T 1312-2016.Code of practice for examination of altered documents in forensics.1范围GA/T 1312规定了法庭科学书写添改文件的检验程序。GA/T 1312适用于法庭科学...
GA/T 1311-2016.Specifications for conclusion of seal stamp examination in forensics.1范围GA/T 1311规定了法庭科学领域中印章印文鉴定意见种类及其表述形式。...
GA/T 1302-2016.General technical specifications for parking service and management information system.1范围GA/T 1302规定了停车服务与管理信息系统的一般要求、功能...
GA/T 1300-2016.Establishment and appraisal of socialized fire safety training organizations.1范围GA/T 1300规定了社会消防安全培训机构的分类、设置条件以及场地...
GA/T 1299-2016.General technical specifications for in-vehicle video evidence recording device.1范围GA/T 1299规定了车载视频记录取证设备的命名规则、要求、试验...
GA/T 1297-2016.Wires and cables for security systems.1范围GA/T 1297规定了安防线缆的分类与标记、技术要求、标志、制造长度、试验方法、检验规则、包...
GA/T 1296-2016.General technical requirements for burglar-resistant terminals of electric bicycles based on internet of things.1范围GA/T 1296规定了电动自行车物联网防盗终...
GA/T 1294-2016.Interfaces between central management information system and subordinate ones of public reserved materials for public emergencies.1范围GA/T 1294规定了公安应急储...
GA/T 1289-2016.Technical requirements for burn room for fire fighting training.1范围GA/T 1289规定了燃烧训练室的术语与定义、分类与型号、设施构成、技术要求...