GA 398.9-2002.The management information code on economic crime case Part 9:Codes for criminal object.1范围GA 398.9规定了经济犯罪案件管理信息系统的犯罪主体类型...
GA 398.8-2002.The management information code on economic crime case Part 8:Codes for type of case registering and solving.1范围GA 398.8规定了经济犯罪案件管理信息系统...
GA 398.7-2002.The management information code on economic crime case Part 7 :Codes for case cancel reason.1范围GA 398.7规定了经济犯罪案件管理信息系统的撤销案件原...
GA 398.6-2002.The management information code on economic crime case Part 6:Codes for the reason of supplement case registering.1范围GA 398.6规定了经济犯罪案件管理信息系...
GA 398.5-2002.The management information code on economic crime case Part 5:Codes for case status.1范围GA 398.5规定了经济犯罪案件管理信息系统的侦查工作阶段代码...
GA 398.4-2002.The management information code on economic crime case Part 4:Codes for auditing suggestion of junior detection.1范围GA 398.4规定了经济犯罪案件管理信息系...
GA 398.3-2002.The management information code on economic crime case Part 3:Codes for case priority level.1范围GA 398.3规定了经济犯罪案件管理信息系统的案件督办级...
GA 398.2-2002.The management information code on economic crime case Part 2:Codes of case origin.1范围GA 398.2规定了经济犯罪案件管理信息系统的案件来源代码。...
GA 398.1-2002.The management information code on economic crime case Part 1:Rule of case number.1范围GA 398.1规定了经济犯罪案件管理信息系统的案件编号。GA 398....
GA 384.2-2002.Fire alarm receiving and dispatching equipment-Part 2: Fire alarm terminal console.1范围GA 384.2规定了火警终端台的产品分类、技术要求.试验方法、检...