GA/T 460.5-2020.Technical specifications for body materials and printing films for Resident Identity Cards-Part 5 : Printing film.1范围GA/T 460.5规定了居民身份证制证用个...
GA/T 460.2-2020.Technical specifications for body materials and printing films for Resident ldentity Cards-Part 2 : White PETG film for printing.1范围GA/T 460.2规定了居民身份...
GA/T 460.1-2020.Technical specifications for body materials and printing films for Resident Identity Cards-Part 1: White PETG film for flattering.1范围GA/T 460.1规定了居民身份...
GA/T 451-2020.Technical specifications for card body of Resident Identity Card.1范围GA/T 451规定了居民身份证卡体的技术要求、检验方法、检验规则、标志包装...
GA 1800.6-2021.Requirements for public security and counter-terrorist of electric power system-Part 6: Nuclear power companies.1范围GA 1800.6规定了核能发电企业治安反恐防...
GA 1800.4-2021.Requirements for public security and counter-terrorist of electric power system-Part 4: Wind power companies.1范围GA 1800.4规定了风力发电企业治安反恐防范...
GA 1800.3-2021.Requirements for public security and counter-terrorist of electric power system-Part 3:Hydroelectric power companies.1范围GA 1800.3规定了水力发电企业治安反...
GA 1800.2-2021.Requirements for public security and counter-terrorist of electric power system-Part 2:Conventional thermal power companies.1范围GA 1800.2规定了火力发电企业治...
GA 1800.1-2021.Requirements for public security and counter-terrorist of electric power system-Part 1: Power grid companies.1范围GA 1800.1规定了电网企业治安反恐防范的重...
GA 1716-2020.Information security technology-Security technical requirements for wireless internet accessing products of information security management system for public internet s...