GA/T 974.85-2015.Codes for the fire information-Part 85 :Codes for report and complaint channels.1范围GA/T 974.85规定了举报投诉渠道的代码。GA/T 974.85适用于公安信...
GA/T 974.62-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 62 : Classification and codes for smoke control system.1范围GA/T 974.62规定了建筑防排烟系统的分类与代码。GA/T...
GA/T 974.73-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 73:Codes for level of fire radio communication network.1范围GA/T 974.73规定了消防无线通信网级别代码。GA/T 974.7...
GA/T 974.57-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 57 :Classification and codes for categories of water supply facilities.1范围GA/T 974.57规定了消防供水设施种类的分类...
GA/T 974.48-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 48 :Classification and codes for fire fighting training assessment.1范围GA/T 974.48规定了消防训练考核的分类与代码...
GA/T 974.37-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 37 :Codes for stage of fire disposal.1范围GA/T 974.37规定了火灾处置阶段代码.GA/T 974.37适用于公安信息化建设...
GA/T 974.12-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 12 :Category codes for fire products quality inspection/ conformity assessment organizations.1范围GA/T 974.12规定了消防产品...
GA/T 974.10-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 10 : Category codes for social institute for logistics-support of fire combat.1范围GA/T 974.10规定了灭火救援活动中进行...
GA/T 974.1-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 1:Classification and codes for speciality of fire experts.1范围GA/T 974.1规定了消防安全领域相关行业专家的专业分...
GA/T 965-2011.Regulation for parentage testing laboratories of forensic.1范围GA/T 965规定了法庭科学DNA实验室进行三联体亲子鉴定的内容及结果判断规则。G...