GA/T 704.2-2007.Management information standards for exit/ entry administration-Part 2:Codes for names and types of entry and exit ports'.1范围GA/T 704.2规定了人出境通行口岸...
GA/T 694-2007.The information criterion for two-dimensional bar code for official documents of public security agencies.1范围GA/T 694规定了公安机关公文二维条码数据结...
GA/T 686-2018.Information security technology Security technical requirements for virtual private network products.1范围GA/T 686规定了虚拟专用网产品的安全功能要求...
GA/T 681-2018.Information security technology- Security technical requirements for gateway.1范围GA/T 681规定了网关产品的安全功能要求、安全保障要求及等级划分...
GA/T 548-2012.Public security equipment asset classification and codes.1范围GA/T 548规定了公安装备资产的分类、代码及计量单位。GA/T 548适用于公安装备资产...
GA/T 543.4-2011.The data elements for public security (4).1范围GA/T 543.4规定了89个公安数据元。GA/T 543.4适用于公安信息化建设、应用和管理。2规范性引用...
GA/T 542-2011.Data elements for public security rules for drafting standards.1范围GA/T 542规定了公安数据元(以下简称数据元)的表示规范、提取、提交、维护、...
GA/T 528-2015.Technical specifications for satellite earth station of public security satellite communication net work.1范围GA/T 528规定了公安卫星通信网卫星地球站的术...
GA/T 16.107-2015.Codes for road traffic management information-Part 107: Codes for degrees of disability.1范围GA/T 16.107规定了伤残等级的代码。GA/T 16.107适用于公安信...
GA/T 974.60-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 60 :Classification and codes for fire compartmention facilities.1范围GA/T 974.60规定了防火分隔设施的分类与代码。...