GA/T 974.92-2015.Curles for the fire iaformation-Part 92:Codes for fire-danger weather ratings.1范围GA/T 974.92规定了火险气象等级代码。GA/T 974.92适用于公安信息化...
GA/T 974.81-2015.Codes for the fire information-Part 81:Category codes for fire equipment accident cailses.1范围GA/T 974.81规定了装备事故原因类别代码。GA/T 974.81适用...
GA/T 974.77-2015.Codes for the fire information-Purt 77:Type codes for good-exanine means.1范围GA/T 974.77规定了消防装备采购过程中对供货质量及定货、购销合同...
GA/T 974.75-2015.Codes for the fire information-Part 75: Category codes for fire equipment state.1范围GA/T 974.75规定了装备状态类别代码。GA/T 974.75适用于公安信息...
GA/T 974.74-2015.Codes for the fire information-Part 74:Classification aad codes for fire equipment.1范围GA/T 974.74规定了消防装备器材的分类与代码。GA/T 974.74适用...
GA/T 974.70-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 70 :Type codes for building structures.1范围GA/T 974.70规定了消防业务工作中涉及按主要承重结构材料划分的建...
GA/T 974.69-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 69 :Classification and codes for fire origins.1范围GA/T 974.69规定了火灾起火物的分类与代码。GA/T 974.69适用于公...
GA/T 974.56-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 56 :Classification and codes for fire training facility.1范围GA/T 974.56规定了消防训练用设施的分类与代码。GA/...
GA/T 974.51-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 51:Category codes for function of fire-fighting training ground.1范围GA/T 974.51规定了消防训练场地用途类别代码。...
GA/T 974.50-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 50 Cassiflcation and codes for asessment rate of fire fighting training.1范围GA/T 974.50规定了消防训练考核评定等级的...