DZ/T 0276.26-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Part 26:Test for determining the deformation of rock mass(Bearing plate method).1范围DZ/T 0...
DZ/T 0276.25-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Part 25:Test for determining the shear strength of rock.1范围DZ/T 0276的DZ/T 0276.25规定了...
DZ/T 0276.24-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Part 24:Test for determining the sound velocity of rock.1范围DZ/T0276的DZ/T 0276.24规定了...
DZ/T 0276.23-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Part 23:Test for determining the point load strength of rock.1范围DZ/T 0276的DZ/T 0276.23规...
DZ/T 0276.22-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Part 22:Test for determining the flexural strength of rock.1范围DZ/T 0276的DZ/T 0276.22规定...
DZ/T 0276.31-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Part 31:Test for determining the sound velocity of rock mass.1范围DZ/T 0276的DZ/T 0276.31规...
DZ/T 0276.30-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Part 30:Test for determining the bolt loading of rock mass.1范围DZ/T 0276的DZ/T 0276.30规定...
DZ/T 0276.29-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Part 29 : Test for determining the strength of rock mass(Bearing plate method).1范围DZ/T 02...
DZ/T 0276.28-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Part 28:Test for determining the strength of rock mass (Direct shear test).1范围DZ/T 0276的...
DZ/T 0276.27-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Part 27:Test for determining the deformation of rock mass(Borehole deformation method).1范围...