DL/T 1182-2012.Technical specification of 110kV shunt capacitor installations in 1000kV substations.1范围DL/T 1182规定了1000kV变电站110kV并联电容器裝置的使用条件、...
DL/T 1180-2012.The guide of supervision for manufacturing 1000kV electrical equipment.1范围DL/T 1180规定了1000kV 级交流输电工程电气设备在制造过程中的质量监造...
DL/T 1179-2012.Guide for power frequency parameters measurement of 1000kV AC overhead transmission lines.1范围DL/T 1179规定了1000kV 交流架空输电线路工频参数的工频测...
DL/T 1178-2012.Corona and RIV test methods for fittings of 1000kV AC transmission line.1范围DL/T 1178规定了1000kV 交流输电线路金具的电晕及无线电干扰试验的试品...
DL/T 1177-2012.Guide for technology supervision of 1000kV ACtransmission transformation equipment.1范围DL/T 1177规定了1000kV交流输变电设备在设备选型、设计制造、...
DL/T 1176-2012.Regulation of operation and preventive maintenance for AC 1000kV oil-immersed transformer and shunt reactor.1范围DL/T 1176规定了1000kV油浸式变压器及1000kV油...
DL/T 1175-2012.Technical requirements of fabric and bag of the bag house for thermal power plants.1范围DL/T 1175规定了火力发电厂锅炉烟气袋式除尘器、电袋除尘器...
DL/T 1174-2012.Specification for unmanned operation of pumped storage power station.1范围DL/T 1174规定了抽水蓄能电站无人值班基本技术条件。DL/T 1174适用于单机...
DL/T 1172-2013.The guide of power system voltage stability evaluation.1范围DL/T 1172规定了电力系统电压稳定性的评价标准、原则及方法。DL/T 1172适用于电力系...
DL/T 1171-2012.Power grid equipment common model naming specification.1范围DL/T 1171规定了电力系统设备通用数据模型的命名规则。DL/T 1171适用于电力系统在线...