DL/T 1218-2013.General specification for fixed DC de-icer.1范围DL/T 1218规定了电力系统固定式直流融冰装置的使用条件、基本技术要求、试验要求及对标志...
DL/T 1250-2013.Application guidelines for charged gas-insulated metal-enclosure switchgear device partial discharge detection with ultrasonic method.1范围DL/T 1250规定了气体绝...
DL/T 1248-2013.Guide for condition based maintenance strategy of overhead transmission line.1范围DL/T 1248规定了架空输电线路的检修分类及检修项目、状态检修策...
DL/T 1247-2013.Icing flashover test methods on high voltage insulators to be used in DC system.1范围DL/T 1247规定了士1100kV及以下直流系统中用于户外环境中的各类...
DL/T 1244-2013.Artificial icing flashover test methods on high voltage insulators to be used in AC system.1范围DL/T 1244规定了交流系统用高压绝缘子人工覆冰闪络试验...
DL/T 1241-2013.Technical specifications for electric power industrial ethernet switch.1范围DL/T 1241规定了电力工业以太网交换机的技术要求、测试方法和检验规...
DL/T 1240-2013.Preventive test code of tools, devices and equipment for live working on 1000kV AC.1范围DL/T 1240规定了1000kV交流系统带电作业上具、装置和设备预防...
DL/T 1281-2013.Technical code for pollution control on the storage and disposal site ofcoal-fired power plant solid waste. 1范围 DL/T 1281规定了燃煤电厂固体废物贮存、处...
DL/T 1237-2013.Testing regulations on AC 1000kV protection and security automatic equipments.1范围DL/T 1237规定了交流1000kV电压等级继电保护和电网安全自动装置及...
DL/T 1280-2013.Technical speeifcation for commissioning of low temperaturemultiple effect distillation desalination unit1范围DL/T 1280规定了低温多效蒸馏海水淡化装置调...