DL/T 1347-2014.General specification for AC filter protection equipment.1范围DL/T 1347规定了交流滤波器保护装置的基本技术要求、技术参数、试验方法及检验...
DL/T 1343-2014. Split pins for electric power fittings.1范围DL/T 1343规定了电力金具用闭口销的形式与尺寸、技术要求、试验、标志与包装。DL/T 1343适用于...
DL/T 1342-2014.Specifications for electrical grounding engineering materials and connection.1范围DL/T 1342规定了电气接地工程用材料及连接件产品的技术要求、试...
DL/T 1340-2014.Emergency handling guidance for distributed control system in fossil fuel power plant.1范围DL/T 1340规定了火力发电厂机组分散控制系统(DCS)故障应急处...
DL/T 1339-2014.Performance test code on crushing dividing combined sample preparation equipment at coal-fired power plants.1范围DL/T 1339规定了火电厂煤炭破碎缩分联合制...
DL/T 1338-2014.Specification of realtime supervision and management information system for power generation enterprises.1范围DL/T 1338规定了发电企业生产实时监管信息系...
DL/T 1337-2014.Guidelines of the water management for fossil fuel power plants.1范围DL/T 1337规定了火力发电厂水务管理的基本方法和要求。DL/T 1337适用于在役火...
DL/T 1336-2014.Technical requirement of PV power supply for electric power communication station.1范围DL/T 1336规定了电力通信站光伏电源系统的总体技术要求,包括...
DL/T 1333-2014.Guidelines for implementation and evaluation of standard system in fossil fuel power plants.1范围DL/T 1333规定了火力发电企业标准化的总体要求,标准...
DL/T 1332-2014.Field test guide of low-frequency power test method for excitation characteristic on current transformer.1范围DL/T 1332规定了电力系统用电流互感器二次绕...