DL/T 1431-2015.Standard test method for coulometric determination of carbon dioxide liberated by hydrochloric acid in coal, fly ash and bottom ash.1范围DL/T 1431规定了盐酸分解...
DL/T 1430-2015.Technical guide for on-line monitoring system of transformation equipment.1范围DL/T 1430规定了变电设备在线监测系统的架构、配置原则、功能要求...
DL/T 1429-2015.Specification for power station pulverized coal fired boilers.1范围DL/T 1429规定了电站煤粉锅炉在选型、招标、订货、监造、运输、保管和验收...
DL/T 1428-2015.Acceptance guide for direct air-cooled system.1范围DL/T 1428规定了直接空冷系统的检验、试验和验收的方法。DL/T 1428适用于直接空冷火电机组...
DL/T 1427-2015.Gas turbine heat recovery steam generators performance test codes.1范围DL/T 1427涉及的蒸汽锅炉的主要功能是回收燃气轮机排气的余热。DL/T 1427的...
DL/T 1426-2015.Steam turbines in combined cycles performance test codes.1范围DL/T 1426可用于有补燃的或无补燃的联合循环汽轮机和联合循环热电联产汽轮机性...
DL/T 1425-2015.The technical codes of anti-corrosion protection for metallic material in the transformer substation.1范围DL/T 1425规定了变电站金属材料的防腐蚀设计、...
DL/T 1424-2015.Technical supervision code for metal in power grid.1范围DL/T 1424规定了电网金属技术监督的内容和要求。DL/T 1424适用于下列750kV及以下电压等...
DL/T 1423-2015.Technical guide of the ultrasonic testing forretaining ring of the service generators.1.范围DL/T 1423规定了在役奥氏体发电机护环超声波检测工艺和评...
DL/T 1422-2015.The gradational standard of microstructure agingfor 18Cr-8Ni serials austenitic stainless steel boiler tubes.1范围DL/T 1422规定了火力发电厂用18Cr8Ni系列奥...