DL/T 1481-2015.Guide of fault risk calculation for overhead transmission line.1范围DL/T 1481规定了架空输电线路故障风险计算的数据要求、计算方法及计算步骤...
DL/T 1482-2015.Technical guide of unmanned aerial vehicle inspection for overhead transmission line.1范围DL/T 1482规定了采用无人机对架空输电线路进行巡检的巡检...
DL/T 1480-2015.Test method for oxidation-reduction potential of water.1范围DL/T 1480规定了水的氧化还原电位测量的仪器和方法。DL/T 1480适用于水的氧化还原电...
DL/T 1479-2015.Analytical method for ethanolamine in steam and water in power plant ion chromatography.1范围DL/T 1479规定了离子色谱法测定发电厂水、汽样品中乙醇胺...
DL/T 1477-2015.Technology supervision guide for desulfurization equipment of thermal power station.1范围DL/T 1477规定了火力发电厂脱硫装置技术监督的内容、措施和...
DL/T 1475-2015.Technical requirements for the configuration storage of electric safety tool and device.1范围DL/T 1475规定了电力安全工器具配置、存放的原则及技术要...
DL/T 1474-2015.Hydrophobicity measuring method of composite insulators for AC and DC overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V.1范围DL/T 1474规定了标称电压高于...
DL/T 1473-2016.Verification code of electrical indicator instruments.1范围DL/T 1473规定了直流和交流工频电测量指示仪表计量性能要求、通用技术要求、检定...
DL/T 1476-2015.Preventive test code of electric safety tools and devices.1范围DL/T 1476规定了电力安全工器具定期预防性试验的项目、周期、要求及试验方法。...
DL/T 1472.2-2015.Post insulators for HVDC converter station Part 2: Dimensions and characteristics.1范围DL/T 1472.2规定了海拔100m以下换流站直流场用支柱绝缘子的电...