DL/T 603-2017.Regulation of operation and maintenance for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear.1范围DL/T 603规范了气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备(GIS) 巡视检查、检修...
DL/T 597-2017.Specification of low-voltage reactive compensation controller for application.1范围DL/T 597规定了低压无功补偿控制器的术语和定义、标志、使用条件...
DL/T 505-2016.The guide of ultrasonic inspection for welding of steam turbing shaft.1范围DL/T 505规定了汽轮机焊接转子主轴对接焊缝(以下简称主轴焊缝,含热影...
DL/T 475-2017.Guide for measurement of grounding connection parameters.1范围DL/T 475规定了接地装置特性参数和土壤电阻率测试的--般原则、内容、方法、判据...
DL/T 442-2017.Order-specification of fuse for the protection of a high-voltage shunt capacitor.1范围DL/T 442规定了高压并联电容器单台保护用熔断器的定义、使用条...
DL/T 363-2018.Technical guide of equipment manufacturing supervision of EHV and UHV power transformers and reactors.1范围DL/T 363规定了超、特高压电力变压器(电抗器)的...
DL/T 348-2019.The patrol inspection guidelines for the converter station.1范围DL/T 348规定了土800kV及以下电压等级的换流站(简称换流站)换流变压器及平波电抗...
DL/T 319-2018.General technical conditions and test methods for holding pole of overhead transmission line construction.1范围DL/T 319规定了架空输电线路施工用抱杆的分...
DL 5190.5-2019.Technical specification for thermal power erection and construction - Part 5: Piping and system.1总则1.0.1为了加强电力建设管道工程施工技术管理,进...
DL 5190.3-2019.Technical specification for thermal power erection and construction Part 3: Steam turbine generator unit.1总则1.0.1为了加强汽轮发电机组工程施工技术管...