DL/T 5530-2017.Regulations for content and depth of the soil and water conservation assessment of UHV power transmission and transformation engineering.1总则1.0.1为了规范特高压...
DL/T 5524-2017.Code for design of optical transport network for electric power system.1总则1.0.1 为了规范电力系统光传送网(OTN)的设计工作,统一OTN网络设计内容...
DL/T 5522-2017.Regulations for content and depth of overlapped mineral resources investigation of ultra high- voltage transmission project.1总则1.0.1为了规范特高压输变电工...
DL/T 5425-2018.Technical specification for deep mixing ground treatment.1总则1.0.1为规范水电水利工程深层搅拌法的地基处理设计、施工、质量控制、质量检...
DL/T 2024-2019.Guide for type test for large synchronous compensator.1范围DL/T 2024规定了大型调相机型式试验的项目、内容和要求。DL/T 2024适用于100Mvar及以上...
DL/T 2023-2019.Field test code of SFC-based starting system for gas turbine generator unit.1范围DL/T 2023规定了燃气轮发电机静止变频启动系统现场试验的试验项目...
DL/T 2022-2019.Operation code of SFC-based starting system for gas turbine generator unit.1范围DL/T 2022规定了燃气轮发电机静止变频启动系统运行条件、运行操作...
DL/T 2020-2019.Code of operation and maintenance for Pelton turbine.1范围DL/T 2020规定了水斗式水轮机运行管理的一-般规定、运行监视、操作、检查、故障与...
DL/T 1933.4-2018.Implementation standard of information technology of plastic optical fiber-Part 4: Plastic optical fiber cable.1范围DL/T 1933.4规定了塑料光纤电力信息传输...
DL/T 1931-2018.Security protection requirements on LTE wireless communication network for power system.1范围DL/T 1931规定了电力LTE无线通信网络的基本构成与安全风险...