DL/T 254-2012.The evaluation guidelines for cleaner production in coal fired power enterprises.1范围DL/T 254规定了燃煤发电企业清洁生产评价的相关术语和定义、指...
DL/T 252-2012.General specifications for HVDC converter transformer protection equipment.1范围DL/T 252规定了直流换流站换流变压器保护装置(以下简称装置)的基本...
DL/T 5746-2017.Code for acceptance of constructional quality of chimney (flue) anticorrosion work of thermal power plant.1总则1.0.1为规范和统一火力发电厂烟囱(烟道)防...
DL/T 5703-2014.Technical specification for cement anchoring agent for prestressed anchor of hydropower and water conservancy engineering.1总则1.0.1为了规范水电水利工程预应...
DL/T 5702-2014.Technology code for construction of open caisson of hydropower and water conservancy engineering.1总则1.0.1为规范水电水利工程沉井施工,保证工程质量...
DL/T 5563-2019.Code for design of converter station monitoring and control system.1总则1.0.1 为规范换流站监控系统的设计,满足安全可靠、技术先进、经济适用...
DL/T 347-2010.T-connector.1范围DL/T 347规定了T型线夹的型式、分类、技术要求、试验方法、验收规则、标志与包装及型号命名方法。DL/T 347适用于架...
DL/T 5556-2019.Code for design of circulating fluidized bed boiler system of fossil-fired power plant.1总则1.0.1 为了规范火力发电厂循环流化床锅炉系统设计,满足安...
DL/T 5534-2017.Regulations for content and depth of feasibility study report of distribution network.1总则1.0.1 为了配合配电网的建设需求,,加强对配电网设计规范...
DL/T 5553-2019.Code for design of electrical calculation of power system.1总则1.0.1 为规范电力系统规划设计电气计算的内容与要求,制定本标准。1.0.2 DL/T 55...