DL/T 2025.1-2019.Guide of the maintenance for power plant valve Part 1: general provisions.1范围DL/T 2025.1规定了电站汽(气)水、油等系统阀门检修的组织、流程、...
DL/T 1932-2018.The verification method of partial discharge measuring system for 6kV~ 35kV power cables based on oscillating wave voltage.1范围DL/T 1932规定了6kV~35kV 电缆振荡...
DL/T 1930-2018.Code of manufacture quality supervision of steam/water pressure piping for fossil-fired power plant.1范围DL/T 1930规定了火力发电厂汽水压力管道制造质量...
DL/T 1910-2018.technical specifications for distributed feeder automation of distribution networks.1范围DL/T 1910规定了配电网分布式馈线自动化的分类、技术要求和...
DL/T 1905-2018.Specification for roof and siding of boiler.1范围DL/T 1905规定了采用金属材料的电站锅炉屋项盖和紧身封闭结构的材料选用、设计、制作、...
DL/T 1878-2018.Specification of inventory in stored coal yard for power plant.1范围DL/T 1878规定了燃煤电厂储煤场库存煤盘点机构与职能、库存煤品质指标测定...
DL/T 1828-2018.Regenerated DeNOx catalysts for Thermal Power Plant.1范围DL/T 1828规定了火电厂烟气脱硝失活催化剂可再生判断规则、再生催化剂性能、试验方...
DL/T 1822-2018.Guide in order and acceptance of extraction check valves used for power station.1范围DL/T 1822规定了电站用抽汽止回阀订货和验收的技术规范和质量...
DL/T 1799-2018.The method of ability to withstand DC bias test for power transformers.1范围DL/T 1799规定了电力变压器直流偏磁耐受能力的试验方法、试验要求、...
DL/T 1642-2016.Climbing irons for circular concrete poles.1范围DL/T 1642规定了环形混凝土电杆用脚扣( 简称脚扣)的分类与标记,技术要求,试验方法,检验...