DL/T 1650-2016.The specification for connection and operation of small hydropower station.1范围DL/T 1650规定了装机容量在1MW~ 50MW的小水电站并网运行的并网条件、...
DL/T 1649-2016.Technical specifications of operation and control system for distribution network.1范围DL/T 1649规定了配电网调度控制系统建设的系统功能、系统配置...
DL/T 866-2015.Code for selection and calculation of current transformer and voltage transformer.1总则1.0.1为了规范电力工程用的交流电流互感器和电压互感器选择...
DL/T 859-2015.Artificial pollution tests on composite insulators used on high-voltage AC systems.1范围DL/T 859规定了标称电压高于1000V、频率为50Hz~60Hz交流架空线路...
DL/T 846.8-2017.General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 8: detector of on-load tap-changers.1范围DL/T 846.8规定了电力变压器有载分接(有载...
DL/T 846.3-2017.General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 3: high voltage switch integrate detector.1范围DL/T 846.3规定了高压开关综合特性测试...
DL/T 842-2003.Ordering specification for low - voltage shunt capacitor installation.1范围DL/T 842规定了低压并联电容器装置(以下简称装置)的定义、技术要求、试...
DL/T 841-2003.Specification of damper current limiter for high voltage shunt capacitor for order.1范围DL/T 841规定了35kV及以下电压等级阻尼式限流器(以下简称限流...
DL/T 840-2003.Specification of high-voltage shunt capacitor for order.1范围DL/T 840规定了高压并联电容器的定义、使用条件、试验方法、检验规则。DL/T 840适...
DL/T 838-2003.Guide of maintenance for power plant equipments.1范围DL/T 838规定了发电企业设备检修的间隔、停用时间、项目、计划及其相关的管理内容。...