CB/T 3905.11-2005 Method for chemical analysis of tin-base bearing alloy-Part 11: 0-Phenanthroline photometric method for the determination of iron content.1范围CB/T 3905.11规定了...
CB/T 3905.10-2005 Method for chemical analysis of tin-base bearing alloy-Part 10: Atomic absorption spectrographic method for the determination of plumbum content.1范围CB/T 3905.1...
CB/T 3905.4-2005 Method for chemicanl analysis of tin-base bearing alloyPart 4:Electrolytic process for the determination of copper content.1范围CB/T 3905.4规定了锡基轴承合金...
CB/T 3905.3-2005 Method for chemical analysis of tin-base bearing alloy-Part 3: Potassium permanganate method for the determination of antimony contet.1范围CB/T 3905.3规定了锡基...
CB/T 3905.2-2005 Method for chemical analysis of tin-base bearing alloy-Part 2: Potassium bromate method for the determination of antimony content.1范围CB/T 3905.2规定了锡基轴...
CB/T 3905.1-2005 Method for chemical analysis of tin-base bearing alloy-Part 1: General provisions.1范围CB/T 3905.1规定了各种锡基轴承合金化学分析方法的一般要求...
CB/T 3495.12-1997 Regulations for archives management for shipbuilding industry Obligations of archives managing department.1范围CB/T 3495.12规定了中国船舶工业总公司系统...
CB/T 3260-2008 Marine remote control device of high-power main diesel engine.1范围CB/T 3260规定了船舶大功率主柴油机遥控装置(以下简称遥控装置〉的要求、...
CB/T 3221-2008 Pool—Nanchor.1范围CB/T 3221规定了N型波尔锚(以下简称波尔锚)的分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则和标志。3.2锚卸扣波尔锚的锚卸...
CB/T 3000-2007 Basic requirement and evaluation method of produetion conditijon for shipbuilding enterprise.1范围CB/T 3000规定了在中华人民共和国境内从事船舶生产(...