CB/T 4030-2005 Jkind of bronze 1.6 MPa cocks.1范围CB/T 4030规定了乳形接头连接尺寸按JIS F 7440的J类青铜1.6 MPa旋塞(以下简称旋塞)的分类、要求、试验...
CB/T 4028-2005 Jkind of flanged bronze 0.5 MPa gate valves.1范围CB/T 4028规定了法兰连接尺寸按JIS B 2240一1996的J类法兰青铜0.5MPa闸阀(以下简称闸阀)的分...
CB/T 4027-2005 J kind of flanged cast steel 1.0 MPa gate valves.1范围CB/T 4027规定了法兰连接尺寸按JIS B 2238—1996的J类法兰铸钢1.OMPa闸阀〈以下简称闸阀)的...
CB/T 4026-2005 J kind of flanged cast iron 0.5 MPa gate valves.1范围CB/T 4026规定了法兰连接尺寸按JIS B 2239—1996的J类法兰铸铁0.5 MPa闸阀(以下简称闸阀)的...
CB/T 4025-2005 J kind of flanged cast steel angle air valves.1范围CB/T 4025规定了法兰连接尺寸按JIS B 2238—1996的J类法兰铸钢直角空气阀(以下简称空气阀)...
CB/T 3905.9-2005 Method for chemical analysis of tin-base bearing alloy-Part 9: Atomic absorption spectrographic method for the determination of cadmium content.1范围CB/T 3905.9规定...
CB/T 3905.8-2005 Method for chemical analysis of tin-base bearing alloy-Part 8: Atomic absorption spectrographic method for the determination of nickel content.1范围CB/T 3905.8规定...
CB/T 3905.7-2005 Method for chemical analysis of tin-base bearing alloy-Part 7:Dimethylglyoxime photometric method for the determination of nickel content.1范围CB/T 3905.7规定了锡...
CB/T 3905.6-2005 Method for chemical analysis of tin-base bearing alloy-Part 6: Atomic absorption spectrographic method for the determination of copper content.1范围CB/T 3905.6规定...
CB/T 3905.5-2005 Method for chemical analysis of tin-base bearing alloy-Part 5: Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate photometric method for the determination of copper content.1范围CB/T ...