CB/T 3798-2016 Requirements of steel oufiting painting for ship.1范围CB/T 3798规定了船舶钢质舾装件(以下简称舾装件)的表面处理、涂料和膜厚以及上船安装...
CB/T 3794-2014 Test methods for the properties of piezoelctric ceramics-Test for electrode joint strength.1范围CB/T 3794规定了压电陶瓷材料电极结合强度的测试原理、...
CB/T 3793-2013 Requirements for drafting main partial cable and pallet sheets.1范围CB/T 3793规定了船舶主干、区域电缆册的编制总则、依据和方法及要求。CB/...
CB/T 3788-2013 Marine sonar Logs.1范围CB/T 3788规定了船用声波计程仪(以下简称计程仪)的产品分类、技术要求、检验方法和检验规则等。CB/T 3788适用...
CB/T 3780-2016 Pipe hangers.1范围CB/T 3780规定了管子吊架的分类和标记、要求、检验规则、标志和包装。CB/T 3780适用于船舶管路系统用管子吊架的设...
CB/T 3777-2013 Test methods for automatic control equipment in cooling water system on board.1范围CB/T 3777规定了船舶主柴油机、辅柴油机冷却水系统的自动控制装...
CB/T 3776-2013 Test Methods for automatic control equipment in lubricating oil system on board.1范围CB/T 3776规定了船舶主柴油机、辅柴油机滑油系统的自动控制装...
CB/T 3775-2013 Testing methods for automatic control equipment in fuel system on board.1范围CB/T 3775规定了船舶主柴油机、辅柴油机燃油系统的自动控制装置在船...
CB/T 3770-2013 Vickers hardness test methods on welded joints for hull structures.1范围CB/T 3770规定了船用钢材焊接接头维氏硬度试验的试验仪器、试验条件、硬...
CB/T 3763-2013 Elecric fllting delineation symbol for production design of ships.1范围CB/T 3763规定了船舶电气安装件在安装图中的图形符号与文字符号。CB/T 3...