CB/T 3378-2015 Technical requirements of repairing for ship provision refrigeration plant and air-conditioning plant.1范围CB/T 3378规定了船舶冷藏、空调制冷装置中的勘...
CB/T 3193-2015 Marine welding sleeve.1范围CB/T 3193规定了船用焊接套管(以下简称套管)、分类和标记、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装和贮存...
CB/T 3160-2015 Marine motor plunger oily sewage pump.1范围CB/T 3160规定了船用浦污水处理的时式单作用电动柱塞聚(以下简称油污水泵)的标记及参数、要求...
CB 20155-2016 Requirements of moulding bed construction for seel hulls of surface ship.1.范围CB 20155规定了水面舰船钢质船体分段模板式脂架的设计套求一般要求...
CB/T 3072-2014 Gravity luffing arm type davit appliances for life boat.1范围CB/T 3072规定了重力倒臂式吊艇架装置(以下简称吊艇架)的分类与标记、要求、试验...
CB/T 48-2007 Marine brazed flange.1范围CB/T 48规定了船用焊接铜法兰(以下简称为法兰)的分类、要求、检验方法、检验规则、标志、包装和贮存。CB...
CB 20111-2014 Technical requirements for cold or hot machining and retification with water and fire of aluminium alloy hull of naval ships.1范围CB 20111规定了铝合金舰船船体...
CB/T 4266-2014 Marine refrigerated provision chamber.1范围CB/T 4266规定了以硬质聚氨脂泡沫为隔热层组合而成的船用食品冷库(以下简称冷库)的分类和标记...
CB/T 4267-2013 Emission rules of marine diesel engine and generator set land-based test.1范围CB/T 4267规定了船用柴油机及发电机组陆上试验排气中氮氧化物、二氧...
CB/T 4268-2013 Vessel docking sonar.1范園CB/T 4268规定了设置在港口的码头用船舶靠岸声纳(以下简称靠岸声纳)的设计、安装、要求、检验方法、检验...