CB/T 4515-2020 Management regulation of monitoring, detection and evaluation of occupational hazardous factors in workplaces for shipbuilding enterprises.1范围CB/T 4515规定了船舶...
CB/T 4514-2020 Management regulations of hidden danger examinating for shipbuilding enterprises.1范围CB/T 4514规定了船舶行业企事业单位(简称企业)隐患、管理职责...
CB/T 4513-2020 The design specification and fixing of hydraulic rack and pinion jacking system for self-elevating units.1范围CB/T 4513规定了自升式平台液压齿轮齿条升降...
CB/T 4512-2020 Over speed protection device of jacking system for offshore platform.1范围CB/T 4512规定了海洋工程用平台升降系统超速保护装置的定义、分类、技...
CB/T 4490-2019 Energized experiment requirements of marine switchboard.1范围CB/T 4490规定了船用配电板通电试验的试验准备、试验条件、试验程序、检验及安...
CB/T 4480-2017 Marine stainless steel ball valve.1范围CB/T 4480规定了法兰连接尺寸按照CB/T 4196- -2011. GB/T 2501-2010及 螺纹连接按照GB/T 7306. 2-2000的船用不锈...
CB/T 4511-2020 Management regulations of special operations staff for shipbuilding enterprises.1范围CB/T 4511规定了船舶行业企业( 简称企业)特种作业人员范围和项...
CB/T 4510-2020 Safety production and occupational health training management requirements for shipbuilding industry.1范围CB/T 4510规定了船舶行业企事业单位( 简称企业...
CB/T 4481-2017 Type selection and arrangement principle of ship cabin fire detector.1范围CB/T 4481规定了船舶舱室火灾探测器的分类、选型原则及布置原则。CB/...
CB/T 4478-2017 Heat treatment specification for cargo tanks of fully pressurized style liquefied gas carriers.1范围CB/T 4478规定了液化气体运输船用全压式液化气储罐...