CB 20039-2012 Technical requirements for Cu-Ni-Fe alloy pipes welding.1范围CB 20039规定了铁白铜管钨极氩弧焊(TIG焊) 焊接的一般要求、焊接工艺和焊按安全防...
CB 20037-2012 Marine air vent head.1范围CB 20037规定了法兰连接尺寸按CB/T 4196- -2011, CB/T 2501- -2010中公称压力为0.6 MPa的的船用油、水舱空气管头(以下简...
CB 20036-2012 Crankease explosion relief valvc for marine diesel engine.1范围CB 20036规定了阻燃式船用柴油机曲轴箱防燥阀(以下简称防爆阀)的结构与分类、要...
CB 20035-2012 Marine lubricating oil cooler freshwater cooler.1范围CB 20035规定船用管壳式滑油、淡水冷却器(以下简称冷却器)的要求、试验方法、检验规则...
CB 20034-2012 Bellows steam trap.1范围CB 20034规定了能自动排放凝水并阻止蒸汽逸出的波纹管式蒸汽疏水阀(简称蒸汽疏水阀)的分类、要求、试验方法...
CB 20033-2012 Marine horizuntal self-priming centrifugal pumps.1范围CB 20033规定了船用卧式自吸离心泵(以下简称泵)的基本参数、要求、试验方法、检验规则...
CB 20030-2011 Technical requirements of repair welding for titanium and titanium alloys cast used of naval ships.1范围CB 20030规定了钛及钛合金铸件(简称铸件)补焊范围...
CB 20019-2011 Specification for P 3.0 MPa flanged cast steel stop check valves with bellows.1范围CB 20019规定了法兰连接尺寸按CB 856,工作压力为3.0 MPa的法兰铸钢...
CB 20018-2011 Speciteation for P 3.0 MI'a flanged east steel stop valves with bellows.1范围CB 20018规定了法兰连接尺寸按CB 856, 工作压力为3.0 MPa的法兰铸钢带波...
CB 4296-2013 Safety management regulations for building berth, dock, floating dock,wharf and hartbor basin.1范围CB 4296规定了船舶行业各造修船企业(以下简称各企业...