CB/T 4397-2014 Requirement for protection and explosion-proof grade of electrical equipment for offshore oil platform.1范围CB/T 4397规定了海洋石油平台电气设备防护、防...
CB/T 4396-2014 Power cables with rated voltages 0.6/1kV and 1.8/3kVfor variable frequency drive in ships and offshore units.1范围CB/T 4396规定了额定电压0.6/1 kV和1.8/3 kV交...
CB/T 4395-2014 Specification of hose saddle for offshore drilling.1范围CB/T 4395规定了海洋钻井平台输油软管吊具(以下简称软管吊具)的要求、试验方法等。...
CB/T 4394-2014 Specification for offshore drilling mud agitator.1范围CB/T 4394规定了海洋钻井用泥浆搅拌器( 以下简称泥浆搅拌器)的要求、试验方法等。CB...
CB/T 4393-2014 Specification of salt spray and air filter for offshore engineering equipment.1范围CB/T 4393规定了海洋工程装备用盐雾空气净化器(以下简称盐雾空气...
CB/T 4392-2014 Marine manhole cover.1范围CB/T 4392规定了船用人孔盖(简称人孔盖)的分类和标记、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志及包装、运输和贮...
CB/T 4391-2013 Requirement for the submission of documents after the completion of shiprepair.1范围CB/T 4391规定了钢制海船修理完工后,船厂应提交的文件和技术资...
CB/T 4390.9-2013 Methods for chemical analysis of high manganese aluminum bronze for propeller-Part9:The inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method.1范围CB/T ...
CB/T 4390.8-2013 Methods for chemical analysis of high manganese aluminum bronze for propeller-Part8:Determination of zinc content.1范围CB/T 4390.8规定了用火焰原子吸收光谱...
CB/T 4390.7-2013 Methods for chemical analysis of high manganese aluminum bronze for propeller-Part7:Determination of carbon content.1范围CB/T 4390.7规定了用高濒红外吸收法...