CB 1356-2002 General specification of package for ship's equipment.1范围CB 1356规定了舰用设备(以下简称设备)包装的要求和质量保证规定。CB 1356适用于电气...
CB 1355-2001 Specification for sweeping winch.1范園1.1 主题内容CB 1355规定了舰艇扫雷绞车的分类、要求、质量保证规定和交货准备等。1.2适用 范围CB...
CB 1348-99 Specifications for long wire simulator of the wire-guided torpedo.1范围1.1主题内容CB 1348规定了线导鱼雷长线模拟器(以下简称模拟器)的要求、质量...
CB 1347-99 Specifications for wire spool of the wire-buided torpedo.1范围1.1主题内容CB 1347规定了线导鱼雷雷上线团(简称雷上线团)的基本要求、质量保证规...
CB 1346-99 Technical requirements of repairing or renewing shell for submarine.1范围1.1 主题内容CB 1346规定了潜艇壳板的勘验、修换和检查验收与提交文件。...
CB 1345-99 Technical requirements for repairing or renewing hull of surface ships.1范围1.1 主题内容CB 1345规定了水面舰艇壳板修换的勘验、修换及检查验收与提...
CB 1344-99 Strength calculation method of main boiler for naval ships.1范围1.1 主题内容CB 1344规定了舰用主锅炉(以下简称锅炉)受压元件的强度计算方法。1...
CB 1341-98 Specification of 3 MPa lube cooler for submarine.1范围1.1主题内容CB 1341规定了3MPa潜艇用滑油冷却器(以下简称冷却器)的要求,质量保证规定和交...
CB 1339-98 Basic technical repuirements of electric equipment for naval ships.1范围1.1 主题内容;CB 1339规定了舰船电气设备的设计、材料、结构、元器件和防腐...
CB 1335-98 Reguirements of rubber seal for torpedo fuel tank and baffle.1范圈1.1 主题内容CB 1335规定了热动力鱼雷燃料舱隔板的橡胶密封结构、密封件的性能...