AQ/T 4227-2012 .Technical specification of occupational hazard preventionand control for automobile industry.1范围AQ/T 4227规定了汽车制造企业职业危害预防与控制的基...
AQ/T 2077-2020.Safety technical specification for stand-alone unit snubbing operation of shale gas well.1范围AQ/T 2077规定了陆上页岩气井带压作业设计、设备安装与...
AQ/T 2076-2020.Safety technical specification for well control of shale gas well drilling.1范围AQ/T 2076规定了页岩气钻井井控设计、井控装置安装与试压、钻开气...
AQ/T 2053-2016.General technical requirements of monitoring and supervision system in metal and nonmetal underground mine.1范围AQ/T 2053规定了金属非金属地下矿山监测监...
AQ/T 1089-2020.Polymer material for consolidating coal and rock at coal mine.1范围AQ/T 1089规定了煤矿加固煤岩体用高分子材料(以下简称“高分子加固材料”的...
AQ/T 1090-2020.Polymer foaming material for filling and sealing at coal mine.1范围AQ/T 1090分类,要求,试验方法,检验规则,标志、包装、运输和贮存安全操作规...
AQ/T 1106-2014.Mine rescue team flag.1 范围AQ/T 1106规定了矿山救护队队旗(以下简称队旗)的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标识和包装、使用和管理...
AQ/T 1087-2020.Polymer material for water shutoff at coal mine.1范围AQ/T 1087规定了煤矿堵水用高分子材料(以下简称“高分子堵水材料”)的要求,试验方法,...
AQ 4245-2015.Technical specification of dust and poison control forcigarette manufact uring companies.1范围AQ 4245规定了卷烟制造企业防尘防毒的技术要求、措施和管...
AQ 2056-2016.Safety testing specification of in-service air compressor for metal and nonmetal mines- Part 2: Portable air compressor.1范围AQ 2056规定了金属非金属矿山在用...