AQ 1098-2014.Guidelines for the safety facilities designing of open pit coal mine.1范围AQ 1098规定了露天煤矿安全设施设计编制的主要内容及相关要求。AQ 1098适...
AQ 2039-2012.Standardization for work safety of petroleum industries conduction rule of drilling.1 范围AQ 2039规定了石油行业钻井单位创建安全生产标准化的具体要...
AQ 1097-2014.Guidelines for the safety facilities designing of underground coal mine.1范围AQ 1097规定了井T.煤矿安全设施设计编制的主要内容及相关要求。AQ 10...
AQ 2040-2012.Standardization for work safety of petroleum industries conduction rule of logging and geologging.1范围AQ 2040规定了石油行业测录井单位创建安全生产标准...
AQ 1096-2014.Rules for the implementation of the colliery construction project safety assessment upon completion.1范围AQ 1096规定了煤矿建设项目安全验收评价工作的管...
AQ 1095-2014.Testing specification of in-service connecting bolt of decauville car for coal mine.1范围AQ 1095规定了煤矿建设项目安全预评价工.作的管理规则、工作...
AQ/T 4277-2016.Technical specifications of dust and poison control in tunnel operation places.1范围AQ/T 4277规定了隧道运营场所的防尘防毒基本要求、工程防护措施...
AQ/T 4265-2015.Codes for preassessment for occupational hazard in constructionproject of wooden furniture industry.1范围AQ/T 4265规定了木制家具制造业建设项目职业病危...
AQ/T 4256-2015.Technical specification for prevention and control of occupational hazards in construction enterprise.1范围AQ/T 4256规定了建筑施工企业职业病危害防治的...
AQ 4237-2014.General technical standards of welding fume pur ifiers.1范围AQ 4237规定了过滤式焊接烟尘净化器的技术要求、试验方法、检测规则、标志、包装...