AQ 5204-2008 .The safety technical specification of coating manufacturer.1范围AQ 5204规定了涂料生产企业基本安全技术措施,包括工厂总平面规划、防火防爆、...
AQ 5202-2008.Safety code for electroplating manipulation.1范围AQ 5202规定了电镀(包括化学镀)生产作业操作过程中的一般性安全技术管理要求。AQ 5202适用于...
AQ 4238-2014.Technica| requirements for dust and poi soning in household chemica I products manufacturer.1范围AQ 4238本标准规定了日用化学产品生产企业在选址与布局...
AQ 4254-2015。Technical specification of occupational health for coatings enterprises.1范围AQ 4254规定了涂料生产企业在生产过程中关于保护作业人员职业健康的...
AQ 4232-2013.Safety specification for dust explosion protection and prevention in plastic processing system.1范围AQ 4232规定了塑科生产系统粉尘防爆的技术要求。AQ...
AQ 4230-2013.Safety specification for the protection of dust explosion for grain storehouse.1范围AQ 4230规定了粮食平房仓粉尘防爆安全的基本要求。AQ 4230适用于储...
AQ 4229-2013.Safety specification for the protection of dust explosion for grain silos.1范围AQ 4229规定了粮食立简仓粉尘防爆的基本要求。AQ 4229适用于粮食立简...
AQ 4228-2012.Safety code for dust exp los ion prevention in wood processing systems.1范围AQ 4228规定了工业生产中木材及木制品、人造板、木粉的加工处理系统中...
AQ 4226-2012.Technical specification of dust and poison control for city gas industry.1范围AQ 4226规定了城镇燃气输配和供应系统中的防尘防毒技术措施和要求。...
AQ 4225-2012.Technical code of dust and poison control for printing enterprise.1范围AQ 4225规定了印刷企业的防尘防毒的技术要求、措施和管理。AQ 4225适用于书...