AQ/T 4218-2012.Code of dust and poison control for aluminium processing enterprises.1范围AQ/T 4218规定了铝加工厂防尘防毒的设计要求、技术措施和管理。AQ/T 4...
AQ/T 3054-2015.Guidelines for layer of protection analysis(LOPA).1范围AQ/T 3054规定了化工企业采用LOPA方法的技术要求,包括LOPA基本程序、场景识别与筛选、...
AQ/T 3052-2015.Guide for command of emergency rescue in hazardous chemical accidents.1范围AQ/T 3052规定了危险化学品事故应急救援指挥的基本原则和程序。AQ/T ...
AQ/T 3050-2013.Technical requirements for video survilance system of automobile gasoline and gas flling station.1范围AQ/T 3050规定了加油加气站视频安防监控系统的总体...
AQ/T 3049-2013.Hazard and operability studies ( HAZOP studies)-Application guide(IEC 61882 :2001, MOD).1范围1.1AQ/T 3049规定了应用引导词对系统进行危险与可操作性分...
AQ 1048-2007.Specification for the usage and management of the system forthe management of the underground personnel in a coal mine.1范围AQ 1048规定了煤矿井下作业人员管理...
AQ/T 3048-2013. The selection and equipping of personal protective equipment in chemical manufacturers.1范围AQ/T 3048规定了化工企业劳动防护用品的选用、基本配备以...
AQ/T 3044- 2013.Technical specifications for ammonia detection instruments.1范围AQ/T 3044规定了氨气检测报警仪的性能要求.检验方法。AQ/T 3044适用于便携式、移...
AQ/T 3043-2013.Training and as sessment requirements for emergency rescue and management personnel of hazardous chemicals.1范围AQ/T 3043规定了危险化学品应急救援管理人...
AQ/T 3042-2013.Safety requirements for external floating roof oil tank mechanical cleaning.1范围AQ/T 3042规定了外浮顶原油储罐机械清洗安全作业的一-般要求和工...