AQ 2035-2011.Regulations for the construction of water rescue system in metal and nonmetal underground mine.1范围AQ 2035规定了金属非金属地下矿山供水施救系统的安装...
AQ 2034-2011.Regulations for the construction of compressed-air self-help system in metal and nonmetal underground mine.1范围.AQ 2034规定了金属非金属地下矿山压风自救...
AQ 2033-2011.Regulations for construction of emergency refuge system in metal and nonmetal underground mine.1范围AQ 2033规定了金属非金属地下矿山紧急避险系统的建设...
AQ 2023-2008.Safety regulations for refractory material.1范围AQ 2023规定了耐火材料安全生产的技术要求。AQ 2023适用于耐火材料厂(或车间)的设计、设备制...
AQ 2032-2011.Regulations for the construction of personnel regional positioning system in metal and nonmetal underground mine.1范围AQ 2032规定了金属非金属地下矿人员定位...
AQ 1055-2008.Specifications of design inspection and completion acceptance for safety devices in coal mine construction project.1范围AQ 1055规定了煤矿建设项目安全设施设...
AQ/T 3017-2008.Guidelines for safety standardization of ammonia enterprise.1适用范围AQ/T 3017规定了合成氨生产企业(以下简称企业)开展安全标准化的技术要求...
AQ/T 3029-2010.Safety training sylabus and examination specification for principals in hazardous chemicals manufacturer.1范围AQ/T 3029规定了危险化学品生产单位主要负责...
AQ/T 3030-2010.Safety training syllabus and examination specification for safety manager in hazardous chemicals manufacturer.1范围AQ/T 3030规定了危险化学品生产单位安全...
AQ/T 3012-2008.Guideline of safety management system implementation for petrochemical corporation.1范围AQ/T 3012给出了石油化工企业安全管理模式和管理方法的指南...