GB/T 22787-2008.Determination of essential parameters of cryolite for use in fireworks and firecrackers.1范围GB/T 22787规定了烟花爆竹用冰晶石中硫酸不溶物含量、水...
GB/T 22783-2008.Determination of essential parameters of potassium nitrate for use in fireworks and firecrackers.1范围GB/T 22783规定了烟花爆竹用硝酸钾中水不溶物含量...
GB/T 22731-2008.Fragrance compound.1范围GB/T 22731规定了日用香精的术语和定义要求.试验方法、检验规则及标志、包装、运输.贮存、保质期。GB/T 22...
GB/T 22148-2008/CISPR 30:2001.Test method on electromagnetic emissions from electronic ballasts for single -and double capped fluorescent lamps.1范围与GB 17743的要求相对应,本...
GB/T 21656-2008/IEC 61231: 1999.International lamp coding system (ILCOS).1范围和目的GB/T 21656给出了灯的国际编码系统的规则,并涉及到所有类别的灯,但不包括...
GB/T 21198.1-2007.Determination of precious metals in precious metals jewellery alloys-Method using ICP spectrometry-Part 1: Platinum jewellery alloys-Determination of platinum- Met...
GB/T 18043-2000.Precious metal jewellery content non-damaged test method-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.1范围GB/T 18043规定了贵金属首饰含量的X射线荧光光谱无损检...
GB/T 17832 一1999.Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys-V olumetric (potentiometric ) method using potassium bromide.1范围GB/T 17832规定了采用溴化钾容量法...
GB/T 17831-1999.Non-ionic surface active agents-Determination of sulfated ash- Gravimetric method.1范围GB/T 17831规定了测定-般非离子表面活性剂的硫酸化灰分的重量...
GB/T 17830-1999.Determination of polyethylene glycol in polyethoxylated nonionic surfactants by HPLC.1范围GB/T 17830规定了测定聚乙氧基化非离子表面活性剂中聚乙二...