GB/T 34442-2017.Pulps-Determination of fiber coarseness- Unpolarized light method.GB/T 34442规定了利用非偏振光测定纤维粗度的方法。GB/T 34442适用于测定纤维长...
GB/T 34254-2017.Test method for handle strength and decoration resistance to chemical corrosion of domestic ceramic wares.玻璃板盖好或用保鲜膜封好,于室温下浸泡48 h后...
GB/T 34253-2017.Test method for resistance to freezer to microwave/ oven usage on- domestic ceramic wares.5.1目测样 品确定其无损伤.裂纹。5.2 样品浸入(20士3)C的水中...
GB/T 34252-2017.Test method for crazing resistance of domestic ceramic wares.1范围GB/T 34252规定了日用陶瓷器抗釉裂性的测试方法。GB/T 34252适用于表面有釉的日...
GB/T 34251-2017.Test method for metal marking resistance of glazed ceramic tableware.1范围GB/T 34251规定了在常温条件下测定日用陶瓷器釉面耐金属刀叉划痕的测...
GB/T 33917-2017/ISO 22972 : 2004.Essential oils- -Analysis by gas chromatography on chiral capillary columns- General method.GB/T 33917规定了用毛细管柱气相色谱分析精油...
GB/T 33727-2017/ISO 13074:2012.Analogue quartz clocks- Fitting dimentions of movements to hands.GB/T 33727规定了机心与指针的配合尺寸,适用于具有以下特点的带闹和...
GB/T 33724-2017.Horology-Procedure for evaluating the accuracy of quartz watches.1范围GB/T 33724规定了单只和批量石英手表精度的评定步骤,以及测量的精度和生...
GB/T 33722-2017.Chinese generic name of timbre and musical style of electrophones musical instruments.1范围GB/T 33722规定了国内外电鸣乐器的常用音色和音乐风格的中...
GB/T 31301.4-2015.Footwear manufacturing machines- Safety requirements-Part 4:Footwear moulding machines.GB/T31301的本部分规定了鞋类成型机的结构、运输.安装、调试...