GB 4689.16-1984.Leather一Determination of water - soluble matter, water -soluble inorganic matter and water - sol uble organic matter.GB 4689.16适用于测定各种类型皮革的水...
GB 4689.14-1984.Leather一Determination of sulphated total ash and sulphated Water insoluble 8s h.GB 4689.14规定了测定皮革的硫酸盐总灰分和硫酸盐水不溶物灰分的...
GB 4689.13-1984.Leather一Determination of matter soluble in dichlor omethane.GB 4689.13规定了皮革中二氯甲烷萃取物的测定方法,适用于各种类型的皮革。脂肪...
GB 4689.12-1984.Leather - Determination of water and other vo]atile matter.GB 4689.12规定了测定皮革中水分及其他挥发物的方法,适用于各种方法鞣制的各种类...
GB 4689.11-1984.Leather一P reparation of chemical test samples.GB 4689.11规定了皮革化学分析用试样的制备方法,适用于各种类型和各种方法糅制的皮革。...
GB 4689. 10-1984.Leather一Determination of apparent density.GB 4689. 10规定了视密度的测定方法,适用于可以精确地测出皮革厚度的各种皮革。GB 4689. 10等同...
GB/T 4548-1995.Test method and classification for hydrolytic resistance of the interior surfaces of glass containers.1范围GB/T 4548规定;a)玻璃容器在经受121士1C水侵蚀6...
GB/T 4548.2-2003.Glassware-Hydrolytic resistance of the interior surfaces idt ISO 4802-2 : 1988 of glass containers-Determination by flame spectrometry and classification.1范围GB/...
GB 25115.6-2010/ISO 10472-6: 1997.Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery一Part 6:lroning and fusing machine.1范围GB25115的本部分与第1部分给出了在服装和...
GB 25115.5-2010/ISO 10472-5: 1997.Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery-Part 5 :Flatwork ironers, feeders and folders.1范围GB 25115的本部分与第1部分给出了熨...