GB/T 13216. 3-1991.Test methods for glycerines-Determination of odour.1主题内容 与适用范围GB/T 13216. 3规定了甘油气味的测定方法。2引用标准GB/T 13216.1甘油试...
GB/T 13216.2一1991.Test methods for glycerines-Determination of transparent.1主题内容 与适用范围GB/T 13216.2规定了甘油透明度的测定方法。2引用标准GB/T 132...
GB/T 13216. 1-1991.Test methods for glycerines-Method of sampling for glycerines in drums.GB/T 13216. 1参照采用国际标准ISO 2096- -1972《工业用甘油一取样方法》中第...
GB 13023-1991.Corrugating medium.4.2瓦楞原纸不经外力 作用不许有分层现象。4.3瓦楞原纸的纤维组 织应均匀,纸幅间厚薄- -致。4.4瓦楞 原纸应平整...
GBT 12914-1991.Paper and board - Determination of tensile properties 一Constant rate of elongation me thod.GBT 12914等效采用国际标准ISO 1924/2- 1985《纸和纸板抗张强度...
GB/T 12809-1991.Laboratory glassware- Principles of design and construction of volumietric giassware.GB/T 12809等效采用国际标准ISO 384--1978(实验室玻璃仪器一--玻 璃量...
GB 12742-1991.The specifications of testing equipment and measuring appliance for bicycle.1主题内容 与适用范围GB 12742规定了自行车专用检测设备和器具的基本技...
GB/T 12661-1990.Paper and board-Determination of microbiological properties- Total bacterial count.GB/T 12661参照采用国际标准IsO 8784/1-1987《纸和纸板一微生物性质的...
GB 12656-1990.Determination of electric strength at power trequence for capacitor paper.GB 12656参照采用IEC 243- 1(1988)《固体绝缘材料电气强度测试方法》。1主题内...
GB/T 10077-2008.Classification , designation nomenclature and basic specifications for lithium primary batteries.1 范围GB/T 10077规定了锂-氟化碳电池、铿-二氧化锰电池...